Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well, it seems I wrote too soon. Another snatcher! And no sooner than the alarm was sounded, the caravan guard chased and murdered the goblin.

Narrator: I added this because I like the goblin's name.

On Military Effectivenes

Well, that was exciting.

I had received word that a caravan was arriving, so was busy telling people what to bring to the Trade Depot when suddenly the alarm was sounded: A GOBLIN SNATCHER!

I was worried briefly, as the Caravan was nearby, and I didn't want them to get a bad impression of us. As well, Bembul Archfriends has been talking to me lately of a recurring nightmare she has been having since the birth of her son, not long after her swearing in as Mayor. Her dream involved a goblin snatcher arriving and taking her child, and mutilating her. From these dreams, she insisted I allocate more dwarves to militia service, or at least be available to Bembul should the need arise. I readily agreed.

It seems that Bembul's premonition had come true.

It was a short lived attack we suffered, as all of our woodcutters were out and about, collecting wood, and were just answering my summons for all available dwarves to move goods to the depot, when Bembul rallied them in a vicious offense, killing the goblin invader in mere moments. The goblin only managed to travel a few feet before its demise.

Instantly, the people demanded Bembul's continuation as the Mayor. Well deserved, I say.

The caravan were....surprised, but well pleased. We proceeded to engage in trade in which I loaded them down with well fashioned mugs and masterwork meals by our cook, Lashchampion. I am taking every useful metal implement and cheap log I can get.


This post is temporary, to let people pick their Dwarf.

Sean et all : Pick any dwarf whose first name does not have "" around it (those are taken). You can see what they have skill in (per legend on the right) and what tasks I have them assigned to (purple'd square). Let me know a dwarf, and I can post their details (example on the top right) so you can pick one :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

On Life

Good afternoon, it is I, your narrator.

I apologize for skipping ahead, but this is a story which needed to be told. The events in this story DID take place in my fortress, however the save seemed to have gotten lost, so I resumed from my previous checkpoint. Read on if you have not yet done so, or, if you have read this post, skip to the end for the modifications.

This is the story of Bembul "Archfriends" Rovodbabin.

Bembul arrived with the first shipment of migrants, and, as the only dwarf with even the least proficiency with battle, I made her the Militia Commander, and the one and only member of the militia.

Originally, this was needed as possible protection against the threatening Hippo masses, however they left long ago and have not returned. After well over a year of easy times and good peace, many citizens criticized me for continuing to keep Militia duty as her priority, which often found her with idle time while most were busy.

Through her compassion and love of helping others, she came to be accepted by most residents. Shortly thereafter, Erith "Brimoar" Kakdalmebzuth (a newly migrated peasant put to work on small menial tasks, such as farming and stockpiling) fell in love with her, and they wed. Together with Bembul, he had a daughter named Sigun "Silverbird" Rallanlar, and carried on with his life.

9 months later, and it is the 24th Opal of 1052. Ustuth Sazirtirist leaves his fey mood and is stricken by melancholy, refusing to speak about what he was trying to craft. I regretfully give Bembul the order to kill him if he attacks as Sazir had done in a fit when unable to craft his inspiration.

19 days later, on the 15th of Obsidian, Erith is conscripted to the Engravers during the Carving of the Hall. Many idlers were shown the basics of smoothing stone, and those that were found to have skill for it were tested for detail work. This promotion will give their family status, and assist with their priority for upgraded quarters.

This same day, the 15th of Obsidian, a goblin snatcher appeared, and Bembul is called to defend the citizenry. It took far longer than it should have, but finally Bembul was able to confront the goblin, and a fierce battle ensued. Bembul lost a hand, and took several other large cuts and wounds, but managed to survive.

The goblin, however, stole HER child (little baby Sigun "Silverbird" Rallanlar!) and escaped into the gloom of midnight, heavily wounded. The loss of her child deeply affected Bembul, turning her into a beast.

Not long after, on the 27th Opal, 1052, a goblin attacked the town. Not much is known, only that a puppy died, and Bembul chased off the goblin.

Then another arrived, and again she chased them off. Then another, and another, each chased away by her ferocity. A dead stray dog was found after one of these fights.

After the 4rd wave of single goblins, Bembul went to her room to recover, and promptly had a baby girl (Wallvessels), when suddenly the alarm sounded, and a 5th goblin attacked! Again, not much is known, and again the goblin escaped, leaving an arm behind; Bembul, her newly born daughter cradled in her remaining hand looked after the retreating goblin from the roof of Dance.

Ground Level spread, with southeastern Dance Hill roof overlay

2nd level, Dance Hall

3rd level

Bembul Archfriends

Baby Wallvessels

Neither Wallvessels nor Silverbird have ever met anyone.

~Dwarf Fortress~

~Narration: We continue, with the current save~

Bembul Archfriends gasped loudly, suddenly awake, sweating between her sheets. Erith Brimoar, her husband rolls over, studying her.

"Are you allright, dear?" He asks

"Yes" replies Bembul. "It was that dream again. It scares me every time."

He comforts her, and makes sure their newborn son and 1 year old daughter are safely in bed. She had been having this dream since she was made mayor.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On Legends

I don't really know what to say.

Monday, April 26, 2010


One of the new miners took over one of the outdoor mason shops. He has produced a beautiful item.....

A Good Day

We have had a very productive few weeks. With all of the labor available we have taken stock of many of the minerals available to us, completed the tunnel under the river, secured additional exits, and sorted most of our raw materials.

Many of the migrants have useful professions, and we put them to work immediately.

Our original Mason, Crowning, has been creating some great works to adorn the halls and living quarters. His latest masterpiece is a statue of myself.....I had it displayed at our front entrance with a garden.

I held a party to celebrate our successes at this statue today, and while we celebrated, one of the new miners was taken by a few mood. We'll see what joy this brings....