Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On Military Effectivenes

Well, that was exciting.

I had received word that a caravan was arriving, so was busy telling people what to bring to the Trade Depot when suddenly the alarm was sounded: A GOBLIN SNATCHER!

I was worried briefly, as the Caravan was nearby, and I didn't want them to get a bad impression of us. As well, Bembul Archfriends has been talking to me lately of a recurring nightmare she has been having since the birth of her son, not long after her swearing in as Mayor. Her dream involved a goblin snatcher arriving and taking her child, and mutilating her. From these dreams, she insisted I allocate more dwarves to militia service, or at least be available to Bembul should the need arise. I readily agreed.

It seems that Bembul's premonition had come true.

It was a short lived attack we suffered, as all of our woodcutters were out and about, collecting wood, and were just answering my summons for all available dwarves to move goods to the depot, when Bembul rallied them in a vicious offense, killing the goblin invader in mere moments. The goblin only managed to travel a few feet before its demise.

Instantly, the people demanded Bembul's continuation as the Mayor. Well deserved, I say.

The caravan were....surprised, but well pleased. We proceeded to engage in trade in which I loaded them down with well fashioned mugs and masterwork meals by our cook, Lashchampion. I am taking every useful metal implement and cheap log I can get.

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