Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On Legends

I don't really know what to say.

Monday, April 26, 2010


One of the new miners took over one of the outdoor mason shops. He has produced a beautiful item.....

A Good Day

We have had a very productive few weeks. With all of the labor available we have taken stock of many of the minerals available to us, completed the tunnel under the river, secured additional exits, and sorted most of our raw materials.

Many of the migrants have useful professions, and we put them to work immediately.

Our original Mason, Crowning, has been creating some great works to adorn the halls and living quarters. His latest masterpiece is a statue of myself.....I had it displayed at our front entrance with a garden.

I held a party to celebrate our successes at this statue today, and while we celebrated, one of the new miners was taken by a few mood. We'll see what joy this brings....

On Water

With the raw manpower and abuse of the power to force new arrivals into manual labor, we have finally cleared the water out of the "farm" rooms, and have begun to grow a variety of crops. While many objected to the....assignment of tasks, many have now settled into the job they wish to perform. With any luck, we'll be able to start making better quarters for all of us to live in.

A Well

Shortly after our well was installed, a merchant caravan came to visit us. Quickly, we established a trade depot, and promptly did no trading.

It seems that somehow they were impressed by our home (it's not like I showed them the "farms", only letting them know that certain locations were forbidden), and news of the wealth of minerals has spread.

Migrants have begun streaming in, and we have been struggling to accommodate. Most of them I have told to move various stones to various locations, keeping them busy until I can interview them and find out where their specialties lie. For now, though, easy labour is quite nice, and many workshops have sprung up to handle the demand.

I will continue my plan to dig us to the other side of the river, though we have located some good minerals.

Hopefully we can get some forges up soon and make mining picks, so I can put more of these guys to real work. MunnyBrun and Under are getting tired of the constant work.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Strange Kind of Cook

Well, this has been an interesting turn of events. Many of the migrants have proven quite useful. Now I have enough people to clear out rooms, move things in out of the rain. Things have been getting done pretty quickly.

-I spoke too soon. Not a moment after I finished my entry the cook we recently acquired claimed a mechanist workshop. She has been babbling about our heroic efforts in founding this "Dance".

-Well then. In her god-inspired crafting of a mechanism for a well, she named it "Dance Machine".

-Once she left her trance, she looked about and asked if we had a well yet, and noted she would very much like to drink from a well.

-I ordered a well made.


So, migrants have arrived. This answers some questions, but causes us to pose more.....

We now know what we were sent here to make. A dance hall. For elves. I told them that they got the right place, but that we aren't making a dance hall. No fuckin way. Right now, we're making a water hall, see? So, now that you're here you can either help us try to survive here, or guide us out of here.

Turns out that we didn't get a very satisfactory answer.

They didn't know the way back home. It seems that they were slowly realizing that they had been developing large blank spaces in their memory.

So. Something around here is the cause.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Water Issues

So, my previous entries appear to have been affected by the recent water issues. We had been digging out spare rooms for additional farms, as the initial experiment worked, when we experienced some leaking. As we were unable to get rid of enough water, the rooms slowly flooded, so we built some extra rooms and tried to channel/spread the water out to those and use them all for farms.

As the water levels continued to rise, we tried digging a passage directly to the outside, but even that could not empty the flow. Multiple rooms and 3 separate passages to the outside were created in this debacle, and fortunately only some....brand new bedroom was....affected. In any case, we have successfully contained the we just need to wait for the water to....exit the tunnels, and we will be able to block off further wetness and begin to use the space for ...farming.

Wa+-r Issue con+|---

So, I t+--\ +\-| we should have thi- --der control. See, we put up some doors and sealed it in, but then +\--_ _._'= --_=' and we couldn't stop it. Right now, the issue is only severe in as much as it was my room that g-+ |{-/=/ o'=_ _'="-_ so I've lost that....but at least half the fortress was safe. We have a lot of work ahead and we'll need to find some way to drai

----- ----- ---- ----- --------

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Starting work o- ----

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Friday, April 23, 2010

On Work and Labour

So I've started layout out areas for all sorts of shit.

Put wood here, put a farm there. Make some doors and put them up to keep out the mice. You know, the usual stuff.

Some of these guys aren't bad dudes, but sometimes it seems like I'm the only one wondering if we'll survive should winter arrive.

Fuck these guys.


All gone.

Last night, while we kept watch on them, the hippos slid back into the river and dived. When they failed to surface after a good half hour, we went to investigate. Much to our surprise, they are gone.

We checked all of the other locations along the river, carefully.

The hippos are all gone.


The carp remain, so there is still danger. We will not be taken unaware!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm watching you

Well, we've decided to build a temporary shelter and food supply in Dance, though I would much rather be digging in the western hill. But fuck me if I'm going to try and get all of these supplies over that river.

The hippos are watching us.

They are waiting for their chance to crush us, or swallow us whole, I know it.

Not on my watch. Most of us are busy with tasks I've assigned. Me, I am in charge of watching the giant fleshy menaces that have started to emerge from the river. I've assigned our miners to start planning for stable construction. We'll dig out some temporary rooms in Dance as planned, then tunnel UNDER the river!

Farms and Floods for Food

Well, it seems like Munny Brun Galleycontrol had a good idea; He'd found that there was a lake on top of Dance Hill that looked reasonably deep, and suggested that we could dig through and flood a room to use as a farm, at least for now. It seems to be working, so far.

I think for now, we will make the Dance entrance our temporary shelter until we can make something better.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010




So, I took a look at the river.

Hippos. Lots of them. I've marked them on the map with red.

And even worse, I saw CARP. I don't know why, but these fish fill me a sense of dread and abject terror.

What did I do to deserve this crap?

Well, time to make a decision. We need more than a home.....we need a fortress.

The Valley

So, I checked out this valley. It isn't so bad. Some small ponds, lots of trees. There are two hills, east and west. A river runs through this valley between them. I took a quick look at the hills, and figure that the Eastern hill with our "Dance" entryway will be worked on cautiously, in case whatever happened to us was caused by something over there.

I will name the Eastern hill "Dance".

Now, the western hill is very interesting. A large variety of minerals are present, and it seems like it would make for much more stable construction. I'll have to choose a good location for our home there.

Between the seven of us, I think we have a pretty good map of the area.

Taking Stock

So, I'm going to go about this methodically. There are seven of us, including myself. We all have vague memories of our past, yet clear memory of our ages and dates of birth. I know, for example, that two of my companions are friends, and the rest are long-term acquaintances. Amnesia sucks.

It seems, at least, that whomever prepared for whatever we were to do here planned well. My "crew" is as follows:

Popo Amostosram (Townfortune): A fisher
Under Avuzonrel (Mineexits): A miner
Munny Brun Eguldegel (Controlgalley): A miner
Creamy Ducimudar (Workedrained): A stonecrafter
Crowning Endokshorast (Atticwire): A mason
Burning Erithcudist (Laborscalds): A woodworker
and myself, Frumpy Titthallor (Playtools): expedition leader

How the hell did I get myself into this? is our supplies.

We have two tame dogs and a tame horse.
The best news is that we have a good amount of food supplies, and it seems as though we came prepared to setup underground living quarters. I'll have to do some exploring to see if the "Dance" entryway is a good location or not. Time to see what else this valley holds.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Hell?


I....don't know. None of us do... All we have is the supplies we brought with us, and all we know is that we don't remember anything. Nothing about where we are from, why we are here, what we are doing. We remember nothing of our families or our past.

What we have found is less than helpful.

It seems that I am the leader of an expedition to build....something, here. Our only clue is a word carved above the entryway "Dance". Now, as a Dwarf, this is an odd thing to have, as we are not a dance-y folk. Perhaps we were hired to build something, who knows?

I guess I need to take stock of this bizarre situation and try to figure out if there is any more information. One of the Dwarfs with me suggested I keep a journal, to try and organize thoughts to help figure out what we have forgotten.

....I just don't know.....