Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Taking Stock

So, I'm going to go about this methodically. There are seven of us, including myself. We all have vague memories of our past, yet clear memory of our ages and dates of birth. I know, for example, that two of my companions are friends, and the rest are long-term acquaintances. Amnesia sucks.

It seems, at least, that whomever prepared for whatever we were to do here planned well. My "crew" is as follows:

Popo Amostosram (Townfortune): A fisher
Under Avuzonrel (Mineexits): A miner
Munny Brun Eguldegel (Controlgalley): A miner
Creamy Ducimudar (Workedrained): A stonecrafter
Crowning Endokshorast (Atticwire): A mason
Burning Erithcudist (Laborscalds): A woodworker
and myself, Frumpy Titthallor (Playtools): expedition leader

How the hell did I get myself into this? is our supplies.

We have two tame dogs and a tame horse.
The best news is that we have a good amount of food supplies, and it seems as though we came prepared to setup underground living quarters. I'll have to do some exploring to see if the "Dance" entryway is a good location or not. Time to see what else this valley holds.

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